Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Essay Titles/Questions

Choose ONE of the questions below and answer it in an essay that is between 3 and 4 pages long. Use specific examples of works of art and architecture which we have looked at in class and that are relevant to your argument.
(Typed, 12 pt font, double spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 1 inch margins)

  1. Baroque Patronage: How was the subject matter of paintings and/or sculptures influenced by patronage in the Baroque period in Europe (Italy, Spain, Flanders, Netherlands, France [you do not need to discuss all five countries])? Use 3-5 examples to support your assertions.

  1. Self-Portraiture: Choose 3-4 self-portraits which we have discussed in class and compare and contrast the works. Consider how each of the self-portraits is representative of its respective culture, time period, and/or style. Discuss what the self-portraits convey about each artist as well the image each artist wished to project of him or herself.

(40 points)
Due: Thursday 28 May*

* If submitting electronically, essay must be received by midnight. Send to

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