Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Chapter 19 Study Guide

The Baroque in Italy and Spain

Baroque Italy
  • Maderno, facade of Saint Peter’s, 1606-1612
  • Bernini, David, 1623
  • Bernini, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, 1645-1652
  • Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (view into dome), 1638-1641
  • Annibale Carracci, Flight into Egypt, 1603-1604
  • Caravaggio, Calling of Saint Matthew, c. 1597-1601
  • Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, c. 1614-1620
  • Cortona, Triumph of the Barberini, 1633-1639
Baroque Spain
  • Zurbaran, Saint Serapion, 1628
  • Velazquez, Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor), 1656

1. Name three things that characterize the Baroque style in Italy and Spain.
2. What do the two colonnades that Bernini designed for Saint Peter’s Piazza symbolise?
3. Bernini’s baldacchino serves as marker over which important religious site?

4. The Baroque style in Catholic countries was generally associated with which religious movement?

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